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What is FASEB Fellows for the Future?


The Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology (FASEB) Fellows for the Future is a cohort-based project for early-career researchers from historically excluded groups that involve mentoring, community support, and leadership training to support Fellows' development of activities to promote diversity and inclusion within their respective FASEB member society. In addition to the Fellow's role as culture change agents, the fellowship is intended to foster pathways for them to advance within society leadership. 

What benefits are provided to FASEB Fellows for the Future?


  • Leadership training
  • Networking
  • Professional development
  • Mentoring in research and career advancement  
  • Inclusive skill-building workshops
  • Experience leading culture change initiatives 

What time commitment is required to participate in the FASEB Fellows for the Future Program?


See full-time commitment details here.

What is the program schedule for the 2024/2025 program?

Program schedule at-a-glance:


Year 1: Skills Development


  • DiSC work-style assessment
  • Mentor matching
  • Monthly one-hour training sessions, spanning 4 months, to cultivate foundational skills in member society association operations and leadership
  • Eight-week diversity and inclusion training to equip fellows with the skills to create inclusive research environments (12-15 hour total commitment)
  • Monthly virtual FASEB Fellows community engagement sessions 
  • In-person leadership retreat

Year 2: Member Society Engagement


  • Fellows develop and implement culture change initiatives at professional society meetings/events

  • With Mentor support, expand network and engagement within professional society

Who is eligible to participate in the FASEB Fellows for the Future Program?

Applicants must meet all the following eligibility criteria:


  1. Current member of at least one FASEB full-member society.
  2. Identify as being from a historically excluded group based on race/ethnicity, sex and gender identity, disability, and/or disadvantaged background or intersectionality of one or more of these identities. 
  3. Early-career researcher is defined as either a senior postdoctoral scholar or within seven years of appointment to the first independent faculty/research scientist position.

Is my society a FASEB Full Member Society?


The list of FASEB Full-Member Societies can be accessed here. If a society is not listed, it is not an eligible society.

In addition to meeting the eligibility characteristics as described above, what are the characteristics of a well-qualified applicant?


  • Understand the challenges and concerns of historically excluded groups in the experimental biology community.
  • Demonstrated desire to build relationships, collaborate, and create consensus toward furthering cultural awareness within the scientific community.

What does the application require and how will the application be scored?


  • Current leadership résumé - No more than two pages highlighting accomplishments, honors and recognitions, leadership roles, and professional service.
  • Short Bio - (250-500 words) highlighting accomplishments, honors, and recognitions; written in the third-person point of view; and presenting the information chronologically (sample here).
    10% of the applicant's score will be based on relevant experience demonstrated by the résumé and bio.
  • A description of a situation, event, or activity that demonstrates the applicant's ability to be a change agent or innovator, or where the applicant identified and overcame an institutional or organizational barrier. No more than 500 words.
    40% of the applicant's score will be based on this question.
  • A statement describing how the applicant plans to use the knowledge and experience gained through participation in the Fellows for the Future program towards the applicant's professional goals. No more than 500 words.
    40% of the applicant's score will be based on this question.

  • Two letters of recommendation. No more than two pages in length. Letters may be written by anyone within the applicant's professional or academic network, but must address at least two of the following:

  1.  A situation, event, or activity that demonstrates the applicant’s ability to be a change agent or innovator, or where they have identified and overcame an institutional or organizational barrier. Specific descriptions of what the applicant did as well as the outcomes of their actions should be included. 

  2. Ways in which the letter writer have seen the applicant demonstrate leadership, including key outcomes of these efforts.

  3. The applicant’s readiness to engage in all of the benefits of the fellowship experience.

    10% of the applicant's score will be based on their letters of recommendation.

  • An attestation that the applicant will be able to undertake the time commitment required to fully participate in FASEB's Fellows for the Future Program.

Who will review applications?


FASEB's Diversity, Equity, Accessibility, and Inclusion (DEAI) Committee


Is it possible to submit documents beyond those requested to support applications?


No. Additional documents will not be considered.

What is the deadline to submit applications?


Friday, August 16, 2024, at 11:59 PM Eastern.

Who should applicants contact if they have additional questions?

