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Fellows for the Future


The Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology (FASEB) Fellows for the Future is a cohort-based project for early-career researchers from historically excluded groups* that involves mentoring, community support, and leadership training to support Fellows' development of activities to promote diversity and inclusion within their respective FASEB member society. In addition to the Fellow's role as culture change agents, the fellowship is intended to foster pathways for them to advance within society leadership. 


Fellow applications will open July 1, 2024.

Fellows for the Future Mentor


Mentoring is a key factor for success for historically excluded scholars, and effective mentoring of postdocs in STEM has been shown to contribute to performance, success, career advancement, increased leadership and teamwork, self-efficacy, scientific identity, and career commitment.


Each fellow will be matched with a mentor who will champion their participation in society leadership and volunteer activities. 


Mentor applications will open July 1, 2024.


*Historically excluded groups/scholars are those for whom full rights and opportunities have been restricted based on their race, ethnicity, gender identity, sexual orientation, disability, and/or socioeconomic status.


FASEB's Fellows for the Future initiative is funded through a two-year grant for nearly $500,000 from the National Science Foundation (NSF) to pilot a program to change the current culture within biological societies that negatively affects early-career researchers in historically excluded populations. NSF awarded the grant under its Leading Culture Change Through Professional Societies of Biology (BIO-LEAPS) program, which supports the design, implementation, and evaluation of projects that leverage the work of professional societies to advance diversity, equity, and inclusion in the biological sciences.